The following are not affiliated with me in anyway (except of course my wife, Dr. Darlene Tataryn, who founded and runs One Wisdom Zen).  I have found these resources to be quite useful in what they have to offer.  Integral for the larger perspective and maps it offers on life and the ability it provides for seeing our unique life situation from multiple perspectives.
The organizations and people listed in the Meditation and Spiritual growth links is not intended to be a comprehensive list.   They are listed for the simple reason that 1) I have attended one or more of their seminars or workshops and found them of high quality and beneficial, and 2) they approach the material from an integrally informed perspective, which I think is very important.
The Psychology links are more leading edge therapies and/or alternatives to the main stream cognitive-behavioural philosophy utilized by most psychologists.

 Integral Theory and Philosophy

 Integrally Informed Meditation and Spiritual Growth

 Other non-CBT Psychological Resources